
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Superseding Decree

Since my comments from yesterday regarding the NT reading also cover today's NT reading, I would like to offer some thoughts about the OT reading today.

I was intrigued today by the way Xerxes' decree at Haman's request was handled after the knowledge if its damaging and cruel nature. Instead of retracting the decree (that the Jews could be killed), Xerxes told Esther and Mordecai that another decree could be issued to allow the Jews to preemptively defend themselves.

Never before had I correlated this to anything else, but today, I see possibly an explanation for why bad things happen. It is a principle just like Xerxes' first decree - Adam & Eve were originally responsible for the first decree of death and destruction upon mankind. That decree has never been revoked or retracted. It is as much in place today as it was way back then. It is a spiritual principle that death and destruction were given full authority upon mankind. No longer was the "default setting" at blessing.

However, through Jesus' work on earth, another superseding decree has been "issued" that gives the believer the right to defend himself. He has been given, first and foremost, eternal life. And furthermore, the same faith that activates this eternal life is the same vehicle through which the believer overcomes the original decree of death and destruction. But it is not automatic - this new decree (this new covenant) must be acted upon - believed in.

And, this is the journey whereupon we find ourselves. Like the Jews of Esther's day, will we act upon the "right to blessing" we have been given in Jesus? Or, will we simply sit back and allow whatever destruction that has been decreed (and yes, it has been decreed) to run its course in and upon our lives?

Father, thank You for this amazing lesson in Esther today! And, thank You for Jesus - the Superseding Decree! Help us to fully act upon the grace, mercy, and (yes) power given to us in Jesus Christ!

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