
Monday, August 24, 2009

Further Thought About "Superseding Decree"

No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord. [Proverbs 21.30]

The Proverb today gives a good platform for approaching the book of Job.

For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. [I Corinthians 15.56-57]

Here is a statement about that "Superseding Decree" that is Jesus. The problem is, I don't think we really embrace and believe it. I think even Paul struggled to grasp some of the true statements he himself made...

Sin and death are always waiting at our doorstep - ready at any time to destroy us. That is the very nature of sin - to destroy - because the father of sin, Satan, is characterized by this (to kill, steal, and destroy). Jesus is the antithesis to everything Satan is and does (or, it would be more appropriate to say Satan is the antithesis to everything Jesus is and does - giving Jesus the place of original honor). The fact is, we must be certain to avoid making any incorrect character assessment of either Jesus or Satan (read Job). And yet, we do this all the time when we attribute death, sickness, poverty, and the likes to God.

God = life.

Satan = death.

And even though we are privileged to read the book of Job with a more complete perspective than even Job himself - we, for some reason, try to place ourselves in Job's shoes. Why would we try to understand Job when he does not even understand himself?

Radical? Yes. So radical in fact that Jesus died for it. Jesus gave his life in place of mine. This is knowledge Job was completely ignorant of. I am not...

Or am I?

Father, thank You for Jesus once again today. Please forgive me for striving to 'dumb down' to Job's understanding when I have the knowledge of Jesus. Help me to be a good steward of this knowledge!

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